Department of Earth Sciences University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy (UniFe) |
Description of the organisation
The University of Ferrara is involved in the project through the Department of Earth Sciences through the COPRU. Headed by Prof. Paolo Ciavola, the COastal Processes Research Unit (COPRU) includes 1 permanent staff, 3 full time PhD students and one research assistant. The main interests of the group of Prof. Ciavola currently include beach and estuarine processes, video-remote sensing of nearshore processes, applications of fluorescent tracers for the study of mixed sand and gravel beaches, beach dewatering as a coastal protection technique, the study of small coastal inlets, numerical and laboratory modelling, vulnerability of coastlines under storm waves.
Prof. Paolo Ciavola
Phone: +39.0532.97.46.22
Fax: +39.0532.97.47.67
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Hydro-Meteorological and Climatological Service of the Emilia-Romagna, Italy (ARPA-SIMC) |
Description of the organisation
ARPA stands for Agenzia Regionale per la prevenzione l'Ambiente dell'Emilia-Romagna (Regional Agency for health prevention and environmental protection in the Emilia-Romagna region in Italy). ARPA is an instrumental organisation of the regional government with its own administrative, accounting and technical autonomy. By May 1st, 1996 it was fully operational in the regional area. Its creation was made possible by gathering all precious experiences and skilled personnel previously working since 1970 in many different regional bodies and offices in the field of health and environment. ARPA's functions and activities cover all questions concerning environmental and collective prevention. ARPA is involved in the proposal through the Hydro Meteorological Service ARPA-SIM. ARPA-SIM provides meteorological, hydrological and environmental information data and forecasting. ARPA-SIM is structured in seven technical divisions: Agricultural meteorology, Environmental meteorology, Operational forecasting and Climatology, Numerical Modelling, Radar meteorology and Nowcasting, Hydrology and Computing division.
Mr. Marco Deserti
Phone: + +39.051.649.7511
Fax: +39.051.649.75.01
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Emilia-Romagna Region Geological, Seismic and Soil Survey, Italy (SGSS) |
Description of the organisation
The Geological, Seismic and Soil survey is part of the Department for Soil and Coastal Defence. Civil Defence - Head Office Environmental affairs of Emilia Romagna Region.
The SGSS has the task of building and organizing a framework for regional territorial knowledge. Its competencies encompass the sectors of geology, soil, hydrogeology, landslides, seismicity and coastlines, surveying and monitoring. It manages and organizes the relative data, establishing thematic and application databases and carrying out specific analyses. One of them is the Coastal Geographic Information System (SIC), that collects in a GIS environment all data concerning the physical coastal system at regional scale, such as: topography, coastal geology, geomorphology, bathymetry, and all the thematic maps derived from data processing and analysis. An important content regards remote sensing layers, such as satellite image, Lidar and Sar datasets. The SGSS has also supported the GIZC regional programme, delivering guidelines for the management of beaches and of the entire coastal system. The SGSS has a staff of 43 (29 employees and 14 external collaborators).
Mrs. Luisa Perini
Phone: +39.051.527.4212
Fax: +39.051.527.4208
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University of Algarve CIACOMAR-CIMA, Faro, Portugal (UALG) |
Description of the organisation
The University of Algarve is involved in the project through the CIACOMAR (Coastal and Marine Environments Research Centre) and CIMA groups (Centre for Marine and Environmental Research), funded by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT). The main research area of CIACOMAR/CIMA is sedimentary dynamics, including both coastal and shelf dynamics. The research group is headed by Prof. Alveirinho Dias and Prof. Óscar Ferreira, both professors at the University of Algarve. The group includes 2 post-doc, 4 full time PhD students, 2 research assistants and 2 laboratory technicians. The main interests of the CIACOMAR group currently include beach morphodynamics, storm impacts, inlet dynamics, overwash processes, sediment transport paths, shoreline changes, coastal management, shelf dynamics and estuarine processes.
Prof. Oscar Ferreira
Phone: +351.289.800.900
Fax: +351.289.800.069
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University of Lisbon Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal (FFCUL) |
Description of the organisation
FUNDAÇÃO DA FACULDADE DE CIÊNCIAS DA UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA (FFCUL), is a non-profit organization, with a registered office at Campo Grande - Edificio C7, 1749-016 Lisbon, Portugal. Created in December 1992, by the initiative of the Science Faculty of Lisbon University, has as main goal the promotion of all scientific activities, including research and technological development, with both National and International parties, as well as grant fellowship to improve young researchers' skills. It also develops consulting activities to private companies and Public Services such as Local Government, Councils and Ministeries.
Prof. Rui Taborda
Phone: +351.217.500.357 +351.217.500.066
Fax: +351.217.500.119
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University of Cadiz Department of Earth Sciences, Cadiz, Spain (UCA) |
Description of the organisation
The University of Cadiz is involved in the project through the Department of Earth Sciences, specifically through the Littoral and Marine Geology and Geophysics Research Group, headed by Prof. Francisco Javier Gracia Prieto. This group includes 1 permanent staff and 3 assistant professors. The main interests of the group currently include beach processes, applications of fluorescent tracers for the study of sandy beaches, medium- and long-term coastal evolution, and vulnerability of coastlines under storm waves.
Dr. Javier Benavente
Phone: +34.956.016.447 +34.956.016.276
Fax: ++34.956.016.195
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BRGM-French Geological Survey Regional Geological Survey of Languedoc-Roussillon Montpellier, France (BRGM) |
Description of the organisation
BRGM is a public institution with industrial and commercial interests (EPIC) under the joint supervision of the ministries responsible for research, for industry and for environment. Main objectives of BRGM are to understand geological phenomena, develop new methodologies and techniques, produce and disseminate pertinent, high quality data in order to provide public authorities with the necessary tools. BRGM is involved through the Regional Geological Service of Languedoc-Roussillon with the support of the Direction for Research (ARN/ESL). The Littoral group includes a regional coastal engineer, 12 coastal researchers, 2 senior coastal engineers, 2 PhD students. The main interests of the group currently include coastal dynamics observation and instrumentation developments (Video, radars, lasers, remote sensing), vulnerability of coastal systems to erosion and submersion hazards, storms and cyclonic swell, impact of climate change, numerical modelling of hydrodynamics (wave, currents, tsunami), submersion processes and morphodynamics, stability of rocky coasts.
Dr. Balouin Yann
Phone: +33.467.157.972
Fax : +33.467.157.972
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International Marine Dredging Consultants Belgium (IMDC) |
Description of the organisation
IMDC was founded in 1982, mainly to support the needs of different dredging companies and port authorities in the fields of dredging technology and hydraulics. Regarding water management, problems are being solved considering an integrated view; the interactions between the different natural processes are taken into account as well as the social and human aspects. Some examples of projects for which morphological analysis and/or modelling was important are :
- Design of a beach nourishment and new outer breakwaters in Ostend.
- Design of an emergency beach nourishment in Ostend to increase the poor safety level of the city of Ostend, including follow up of the works and analysis of the morphological evolutions after the nourishment.
- Design of an ecological beach restoration project near Lombardsijde.
- Proposition and evaluation of necessary structural measures to create long term sustainable conditions for the intertidal area "Het Zwin" at the Belgian Coast.
- Participation in the Flemish part of COMRISK, a European research project concerning coastal flooding risks and the potential protective structural measures.
- Dimensioning of beach nourishments in order to increase the safety level of the Belgian Coast and calculation of the required maintenance works.
- Technical assistance for morphological and hydraulic items during the bidding and construction period of Port 2000 in Le Havre.
- Design of the soft sea defence of the extension of the port of Rotterdam.
- Monitoring and control campaign concerning the suspended sediment movements near the port of Zeebruges and the maintenance dredging works in the access channel.
Mr. Piet Haerens
Phone: +32.327.092.94
Fax: +32.323.567.11
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University of Plymouth School of Marine Sciences and Engineering, United Kingdom (UoP) |
Description of the organisation
The School of Marine Science and Engineering (SMSE) at the University of Plymouth represents the largest group of coastal researchers in the UK. SMSE is at the forefront of international research in coastal and sediment dynamics and engineering with expertise in process studies, numerical modelling, field observations and remote sensing. SMSE draws on a wide range of National and International funding sources and currently has involvement in projects in Europe, USA, China and Brazil.
Partner exit from project: November 2010.
Prof. Jon Williams
Phone: +44.2380.711.840
Fax: +44.2380.711.841
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University of Szczecin INoM Laboratory of Remote Sensing and Marine Cartography, Poland (USZ) |
Description of the organisation
University of Szczecin was founded on 1st September, 1985 by the statute of 21st July, 1984. In the year 2005-2006 there were as many as 36,000 students. In the same year there were over 1,100 academic staff employed, and the number of full professors reached the threshold of almost 100 including 80 employed on a permanent basis.
The Institute of Marine Sciences carries out research in ten different laboratories covering all basic geography disciplines. Investigation of sea and coastal environment is a main research issue.
The University of Szczecin is involved in the project through the INoM (Institute of Marine Sciences) through the Laboratory of Remote Sensing and Marine Cartography. Headed by Prof. Kazimierz Furmańczyk the ZTiKM (Laboratory of Remote Sensing and Marine Cartography) includes also seven employees, one with PhD, five which are finishing their PhD researches and one technical employee.
The main laboratory interests are issues connected with coastal processes such as studies of erosion rate, changes of beach width factor, coastal protection studies, vulnerability of coastlines under storm waves, remote sensing applications to coastal morphodynamics, coastal zone database construction for ICZM.
Prof. Kaziemierz Furmanczyk
Phone: +48.91.444.23.51
Fax: +48.91.444.24.51
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Institute of Oceanology Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria (IO-BAS) |
Description of the organisation
The Institute of Oceanology in Varna is affiliated to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The main research activities are focused on the field of coastal dynamics, marine physics, chemistry, geology, biology, ecology, ocean technique and technology, data management and underwater investigations. The Institute hosts the Bulgarian National Oceanographic Data Centre (BGODC). Traditionally involved in all aspects of marine research, it also offers consulting and expert services, environmental impact assessment studies, education and training. IO-BAS is the Regional Activity Centre and Focal Point of BSEP. The Institute participated in NATO SfS TU-fisheries and TU Black Sea projects and is actively participating in NATO SfP ODBMS project. Institute took part in almost all GEF and Black Sea EU programmes implemented in the region. During the last five years IO-BAS actively participates in a large number of FP5 and FP6 among which Sea-Search, CESUM-BS, CRIMEA, EUROSEISMIC, ECOOP, SESAME etc. The institute coordinates two of the Black Sea GOOS related projects ARENA and ASCABOS.
The Coastal Zone Dynamics Department is involved in the project. The main scientific interests are sea level fluctuations; wind wave modelling in deep and shallow water; wind and wave climate assessments; morphodynamic processes in the coastal zone; vulnerability of coastlines under storm waves.
Prof. Nikolay Valchev
Phone: +359.52.370.486
Fax: +359.52.370.483
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Stichting Deltares Delft, The Netherlands (WLD) |
Description of the organisation
WL | Delft Hydraulics/Deltares is an independent research and specialist consultancy institute based in the Netherlands. For over 75 years they have been providing clients with expert advice and technical assistance on water-related issues. WL | Delft Hydraulics/Deltares is internationally renowned for its expertise in fields like hydrodynamics, morphology, surface water hydrology, aquatic ecology and water quality. Over 350 qualified and committed professionals combine an in-depth knowledge of these areas with a comprehensive overview of water systems. Through cutting-edge research and a thorough understanding of water management and related infrastructure, WL | Delft Hydraulics/Deltares brings practical and cost-efficient solutions for a wide range of water systems. These systems can be open or closed, salt or fresh water, natural or man-made.
As water management is an ever-changing and complex issue, they are constantly expanding and improving their innovative research and technological expertise. Today there is a growing need for integrated solutions based on the latest technologies. As a result they are not only integrating various knowledge disciplines, but also intensifying partnerships with businesses and consultants in the private sector, along with technical institutes and universities.
Activities range from short and long-term projects to targeted research as well as multidisciplinary policy and management studies. All of these are carried out under a quality system in accordance with the ISO-9001 international standard. WL | Delft Hydraulics/Deltares is also well-known for both its unique experimental facilities and powerful software, most of which has been developed and validated in-house. In 2008 WL | Delft Hydraulics/Deltares is expected to merge into Deltares (a merger between WL | Delft Hydraulics/Deltares, GeoDelft, TNO-Bouw en Ondergrond and the Rijkswaterstaat offices RIKZ, RIZA and DWW).
Dr. Albertus "Ap" Van Dongeren
Phone: +
Fax: +
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Technical University of Delft Civil Engineering, The Netherlands (TUD) |
Description of the organisation
Delft University of Technology (TUD) is the biggest technical university in the Netherlands. It emerged from the 'Royal Academy for the education of civilian engineers for serving both the nation and the industry, which was founded in Delft on 8 January 1842 by King William II. TU Delft provides top-level technical and scientific education in a great number of disciplines. Both the scientific and business communities internationally respect the research conducted by TU Delft. TU Delft has seven faculties and sixteen programmes of study, two part-time programmes, and a host of post-graduate courses. It accommodates approximately 13,000 undergraduate students, 1,400 MSc students and 400 PhD students. There are over 2,100 scientists working at TU Delft, including 200 professors. The research carried out at TU Delft is undertaken by the faculties, research schools and research institutes. Annually, it leads to an average of 185 dissertations and over 3,350 scientific publications.
The Civil Engineering sub-faculty of the TU Delft, which will participate in this project, is the only Civil Engineering Faculty in the Netherlands. It has many departments and sections, covering all civil engineering disciplines, as well as Graduate schools and Research Institutes. Renowned for its high standard of education and research, the University collaborates with other educational establishments and research institutes, both in the Netherlands and overseas. It also enjoys partnerships with governments, branch organisations, numerous consultancies, the industry, and companies from the small and medium business sectors. The Delft University of Technology is particularly renowned in the field of water. Its research and education covers fields as diverse as hydrology, hydraulics, geomorphology, water management and water law. It has been involved in several previous and ongoing European research in the field of water management, such as the Eurowater, Water21, CoastView and HarmoniCOP projects and many others. Numerous past and ongoing projects deal with flood protection and flood management issues from hydrological, hydraulic, management and ecological points of view.
Dr. Mark Van Koningsveld
Phone: + +31.10.447.8767
Fax: +31.10.447.8100
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National Environment Research Council Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, UK (POL) |
Description of the organisation
The Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (POL) is a research centre part of the Natural Environment Research Council. POL's scientific research focuses on oceanography encompasses global sea-levels and geodesy, numerical modelling of continental shelf seas and coastal sediment processes. This research alongside activities of surveying, monitoring, data management and forecasting provides strategic support for the wider mission of NERC. POL is a leading world centre in tidal prediction (with related interests in earth tides and storm surges) and a leading European centre in modelling and forecasting shelf sea dynamics. POL specialises in developing and using advanced hydrodynamic numerical models and advanced field observation technologies that cover the marine environment from estuaries to the deep ocean. POL has an excellent record of national and international research collaboration.
Dr. Alejandro Jose Souza
Phone: +
Fax: +
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University Pablo de Olavide Department of Physical, Chemical and Natural Systems, Sevilla, Spain (UPO) |
Description of the organisation
The Department of Physical, Chemical and Natural systems of the University Pablo de Olavide is involved in the proposal through the Climate Reconstruction and Climate Variability Analysis Research Group, headed by Prof. Pedro Ribera Rodríguez. This group includes two permanent staff and one contracted researcher. The main interests of the group include climate variability, climate reconstruction from documentary sources and research on extreme events occurrence and trends both for present and historical times.
Dr. Pedro Ribera
Phone: +34.954.349.131
Fax: +34.954.349.814
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Consorzio Ferrara Ricerche Ferrara, Italy (CFR) |
Description of the organisation
Consorzio Ferrara Ricerche (CFR - Consortium Ferrara Research) was founded in 1993. It is a non-profit organisation with public and private participation aiming at the promotion, development and exploitation of human, scientific, technological and economic resources. CFR is committed to promoting and managing research and innovation by realising projects in cooperation with universities, research centres, public institutions, and industrial companies in Italy and abroad. In addition, it is targeted at connecting the generators of know how, industrial organisations and the working world. The institutional activities performed by CFR consist in the conclusion and technical-administrative management of research contracts, in carrying out research activities foreseen by the projects, in the coordination of scientific events, and in the organisation of educational events on behalf of public and private companies on a local, national or international scale.
Mrs. Stefania Corsi
Phone: +39.0532.76.24.04
Fax: +39.0532.76.73.47
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