MICORE - Morphological Impacts and COastal Risks induced by Extreme storm events
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useful links

  • NHESS - Special Issue

    Some MICORE paper on the Special Issue of Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (The Open Access Journal of the European Geosciences Union).


  • Philippe Quevauviller

    Philippe Quevauviller - EU Scientific Officer - Interview at CIRCE Final General Assembly, Rome 23 - 25 may 2011.



    IMproving Preparedness and RIsk maNagemenT for flash floods and debriS flow events (IMPRINTS) - EC FP7 project.








  • The Vucoma Project

    A Coastal Vulnerability for Several Agents Project, the case study for tha Catalan cost (Spain). The project is financed by the Sciences and Innovation Ministry of Spain. (The page is in Spanish)



  • The FLOODsite Project

    The European Sixth Framework Programme Project on Integrated Flood Risk Analysis and Management Methodologies.


  • The OpenEarth Project

    OpenEarth is the open source intiative to archive, host and disseminate Data, Models and Tools for marine & coastal scientist and engineers. It is supported by the Deltares of Delft (The Netherlands).


  • USGS National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards

    The National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards is a multi-year undertaking to identify and quantify the vulnerability of U.S. shorelines to coastal change hazards such as the effects of severe storms, sea-level rise, and shoreline erosion and retreat. It will continue to improve our understanding of processes that control these hazards, and will allow researchers to determine the probability of coastal change locally, regionally, and nationally. The National Assessment will deliver these data and assessment findings about coastal vulnerability to coastal managers, other researchers, and the general public.



  • The Safecoast Project

    Keeping our feet dry in the North Sea lowlands.
    Sharing knowledge on climate change & coastal flood and erosion management.



  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

    At the 29th Session of the IPCC (31 August - 4 September 2008), new Working Group II co-chairs were elected to oversee development of the Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability volume of the Fifth Assessment Report: Dr. Chris Field of the United States and Dr. Vicente Barros of Argentina. This site serves as resource until the U.S.-hosted Technical Support Unit for the Fifth Assessment establishes its own web presence.



  • The CONSCIENCE Project

    Concepts and Science for Coastal Erosion Management:
    an operational support structure for sustainable coastal erosion management.


  • The PLANCOAST Project

    PlanCoast was an INTERREG IIIB NP CADSES Project with the aim to develop the tools and capacities for an effective integrated planning in coastal zones and maritime areas in the Baltic, Adriatic and Black Sea regions.


  • The Coastal Wiki

    An Internet encyclopaedia of more than 1,000 information pages for and by coastal professionals providing up-to-date high quality Coastal and Marine information.



  • The BEACHMED Project

    Strategic management of beach protection for sustainable development of Mediterranean coastal zones.


  • The MEDLAB Project

    Mediterranean Living Lab for Territorial Innovation. The Living Lab model for in situ co-design of innovative ICT services is proving increasingly successful in promoting the knowledge economy by speeding up the pace and quality of research and technology development.


  • The EUROGOOS Initiative

    EuroGOOS is an Association of Agencies, founded in 1994, to further the goals of GOOS, and in particular the development of Operational Oceanography in the European Sea areas and adjacent oceans.

Visits since May 2011: 999

Grant agreement no.: 202798 Start date: June 2008 Duration: 40 months Coordinator: Prof. Paolo Ciavola, University of Ferrara
© 2011 micore.eu