MICORE - Morphological Impacts and COastal Risks induced by Extreme storm events
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  MICORE Open Science Meeting

The MICORE LogoThe MICORE team is proud of invite you to the MICORE Open Science Meeting in Italy


Date: June 8, 2011

Organization: University of Ferrara, Italy - Geological Survey Emilia-Romagna, Italy

Place: Riccione, Rimini, Italy

Venue: Tourism Palace of Riccione

Contacts: Paolo Ciavola - Luisa Perini

Registration: Online form


Storm Surges WMO_Lee

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  ICS 2011 - 11th International Coastal Symposium

The ICS 2011 Logo The 11th International Coastal Symposium ICS will be held in 9-14 May 2011 in Szczecin, Poland. The symposium will be organized by the Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences at University of Szczecin.


The MICORE team is happy to inform you that a MICORE exhibition stand will be present at the Conference.

Please drop-in to check for the latest MICORE news, have a printed leaflet or ask further questions about the project. A MICORE delegate will be present at the stand.

See you in Poland...

Date: May 09-14, 2011

Organization: Coastal Education & Research Foundation, Inc. (CERF) & Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Faculty of Geosciences, University of Szczecin

Place: Radisson Blu Hotel - Szczecin, Poland



  Bridging Climate Research Data and the Needs of the Impact Community

The IS-ENES workshop LogoThe IS-ENES workshop on "Bridging Climate Research Data and the Needs of the Impact Community" will be held in EEA/Copenhagen 11-12 January 2011. This two days international workshop on climate data needs will gather about 40-50 participants from European countries. The main objectives are to provide an inventory of climate data needs for impacts analysis in support to the EU Climate Adaptation Strategy. This strategy will guide ENES in support of a position paper directed towards EU policy makers and funding agencies.


Date: 11-12 January 2011

Organization: IS-ENES Project Team

Place: Copenhagen, Denmark


  The MICORE Open Day 2010

The MICORE Open Day Both the EU and The United Nations are now taking seriously the predicted climate change scenarios of the IPCC. Of particular relevance to Integrated Coastal Zone Management is the predicted increase in the intensity and frequency of powerful storm events characterised by larger peak wind speeds and consequently larger waves.


Date: November 30, 2010

Organization: The MICORE Project Team

Place: University Foundation, Belgium



  Storm Surges Congress 2010

The Hamburg Conference LOICZ together with GKSS Research Centre is pleased to release the 2nd Announcement and Call for Abstracts for Storm Surges Congress 2010 Risk and Management of current and future Storm Surges Please find the 2nd Announcement and Call for Abstracts hereafter.


*Abstract Submission and Registration starting from December 1, 2009

*Abstracts due February 28, 2010

*Paper acceptance April, 2010

Dates: September 13-17, 2010

Organization: LOICZ International Project Office (GKSS-Research Center)

Place: University of Hamburg, Germany

WEB Site: www.loicz.org/storm2010



  Coast Expo 2010, 1st Edition

Coast Expo 2010, 1st EditionCoast Expo 2010 is the exlusive event entirely dedicated to debate and discussion between Ministries, Institutuins, Universities, Research Centers and Companies, about the state of the art, the developments and the criticism of management of coast that represents a unique asset in terms of environmental, economic and social aspects.


Dates: September 21, 22 and 23, 2010

Organization: University of Ferrara and Emilia-Romagna Region

Place: Ferrara Exhibition and Conference Centre, Italy

WEB Site: www.regione.emilia-romagna.it/wcm/geologia_en/Important_dates/2010_09_coast_expo.htm


Coast Expo 2010 brochure

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  2009 AGU - Fall Meeting

The AGU 2009 ConferenceMore than 16,000 geophysicists from around the globe gathered in San Francisco for the 2009 AGU Fall Meeting.
The meeting provided an opportunity for researchers, teachers, students, and consultants to present and review the latest issues affecting the Earth, the planets, and their environments in space.


Dates: December 14-18, 2009

Organization: American Geophysical Union

Place: Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, California

WEB Site: www.agu.org/meetings/fm09/



  COP15 - United Nations Climate Change Conference

The CopenhagenConferenceThe COP15 conference is the fifteenth Conference of the Parties under the United Nations’ Climate Change Convention. The conference will take place from 7 december to 18 December 2009.
The MICORE project was chosen by the EU to be one of the projects that will have an electronic display at the ministerial meeting in Copenhagen in the stand of the EU.

Dates: December 7-18, 2009

Organization: United Nations - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

Place: The Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark

WEB Site: en.cop15.dk



  Disaster Risk Reduction International Workshop

Disaster Risk Reduction BrochureThe European Commission (Research Directorate) in collaboration with UNISDR Europe office hold the International Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction - Dialogue between Scientists and Stakeholders.



The objectives of this workshop are:

  • - to enable a better dialogue and exchange between the scientific community working in the field of EC funded research projects on natural hazards and different policy and users communities (e.g. Policy Directorates, stakeholders, representatives form UNISDR, National Plafforms, civil protection, etc).
  • - to present concrete achievements and research results that are of interest to managers and policy makers.
  • - to reflect on past and ongoing research as well as to prioritize future challenges and needs.
  • - to strengthen collaboration between UNISDR and DG Research in supporting National Platforms and other actors towards DRR Research and Implementation of results in the Europe region.

Dates: 29-30 October 2009

Organization: EC, European Commission, Directorate for Research and the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR)

Place: Brussels, Belgium

WEB Site: EC/UNISDR workshop on natural hazards research in Europe



  3rd Geo European Project Workshop

IstanbulThe European Commission is pleased to announce the 3rd GEO European Projects Workshop which will be hosted in Istanbul, Turkey on 8-9 October 2009 following the kind invitation of Tubitak, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey.
The intent with this series of workshops is to develop the collaboration between the Earth Observation activities and projects financed by the EU and to consolidate the European contribution towards the Global Earth Observation Systems of Systems (GEOSS) of the GEO initiative.

Dates: 8-9 October 2009

Organization: EC, Environment Directorate, DG RTD

Place: Istanbul, Turkey


  11th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms

Plinius logoSince its advent, the Plinius topical Conference on Mediterranean Storms has provided a crucial interdisciplinary contribution for improving our understanding of hazardous storms over the Mediterranean basin capable of producing strong winds, heavy rains, explosive landslides, and other related extremes. The objective of the 2009 Conference, the 11th of the series, is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for presentations and discussions of our current state of knowledge, as well as motivating new research and applications within the variety of disciplines related to Mediterranean storms and concomitant human hazards.

Dates: 7-11 September 2009

Organization: Department of Astronomy and Meteorology, University of Barcelona

Place: University of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain



Visits since May 2011: 999

Grant agreement no.: 202798 Start date: June 2008 Duration: 40 months Coordinator: Prof. Paolo Ciavola, University of Ferrara
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